Oh Sweet Valentine!



If you need a warning, let this be it: this week on Project Sweet Stuff will be dedicated to the very worthy Valentine’s Day holiday. I know that some of you require a warning, because you are so passionately opposed to February 14 celebrations. What a damn waste of passion.

“It should be Valentines Day every day!” A round of applause for you! Yes, it should be. I agree with you 100%. If you are in a relationship where it is Valentines Day every day, where your partner shows their appreciation for you in little, thoughtful ways - Every. Single. Day: I am very happy for you. In fact, I am over the moon. And what you should do now, is click that little x on the top right hand corner of your browser. This is not the post for you.

I’m just not buying the “I don’t do Valentines Day” line. Why not? What is it that is so very troublesome, so offensive and so infuriating about considering and implementing a simple plan to celebrate your love on one day of the year?

Is it because you are too cool? Do you just like to go against the grain? I know, you hate Hallmark, the inflated price of roses, and the pressure to perform a youtube worthy proposal? I am sympathetic to your pain.

This is not what Valentines Day is about for us, either. It is as simple as providing the perfect opportunity, or excuse if you need it, to say, “Hey, I dig you. A lot”.  We are going back to basics here. How you choose to say it, is up to you, but the world has conspired to hand you the opportunity on a silver platter.

The sentiment doesn’t need to cost the world (love is free, in fact) and here is our snap shot of sweet somethings, to bring us all back down to wonderful earth.

1. Logitech Case & Tilt $49.95

2. MOR Candied Vanilla Almond Body Butter from within MOR Gift Pack

3. Project Sweet Stuff Red Velvet Love Bites $2.50 each

4. Haigh's Chocolates Strawberry Block 200gm $9.95

5. Four Friends Rose & Green loose leaf tea

6. Chocolate Puzzle Love Heart $9.95 from Woolworths

7. MOR Candied Vanilla Almond Soap $19.95

8. MOR Marshmallow Soap $19.95

9. MOR Marshmallow Lip Balm $22.95

10. One single rose. $don't be a tight ass.
